Change history

1.3.2 (2016/11/28) - Mirror upstream changes in voevent-parse

Minor update to mirror API changes in voevent-parse 1.0.

1.3.1 (2016/11/14) - Fix issue with UTF-8 encoded unicode chars in VOEvents

Fix an issue where non-ascii characters in XML packets broke tarball-dumping, because Postgres returns the data as unicode, and we need to explicitly encode that to a UTF-8 bytestring before the tarball code will accept it.

1.3.0 (2016/11/09) - Add parsing of barycentric event co-ords

Make use of voevent-parse 0.9.8 (and hence astropy 1.2.x) to apply TDB->UTC time conversion where relevant (e.g. GAIA event timestamps).

Also relaxes list of allowed position formats.


VOEventDB does not currently apply any conversion to co-ordinates as read in from the packets**, this may produce small inaccuracies for close objects. Those needing high-precision ICRS co-ordinates should use coarse spatial queries and perform their own position parsing / transformation from packet-XML directly. See docstring and source under voeventdb.server.database.models.Coord.from_etree for more details and justification.

1.2.1 (2016/09/19) - Minor bugfix

Authored_month_count could bin entries incorrectly if postgres timezone was not configured to UTC.

If Postgres is configured correctly, then all was fine. But, if default timezone was configured to say, timezone=GB, (UTC+1 in summer), then datetime is fetched and truncated in the default (UTC+1) timezone. Therefore the month endpoints were off by the timezone offset compared to the regular ‘author_datetime’ queries which always enforce timezone evaluation, and so the ‘authored_month_count’ endpoint produced conflicting results to ‘count’ with relevant datetime filters applied.

1.2.0 (2016/09/15) - Tarball-dump-script enhancements

Add datetime-range filtering options to tarball-dump script. Also change default tarball size to avoid unreasonable RAM requirements, document typical RAM usage.